Sticker logos frieze resin 500 595 695 Abarth


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Sticker logos frieze resin 500 595 695 Abarth kit logos frieze resin decal cover sticker
the kit includes 2 decals dedicated to embellish and make more gritty front and rear friezes logos
4 decals dedicated to embellish and make more aggressive the friezes wheel logos
1 decal dedicated to embellish and make more aggressive the logo frieze of the steering wheel
1 decal dedicated to embellish and make more aggressive the logo frieze of the key
STICKERS Abarth 500 595 695 resin frieze logos apply as a normal adhesive
soft effect resin adhesives, does not yellow over time, long life, refined appearance, PVC vinyl, excellent sealing
HD graphics
we can make customizations according to your instructions, contact us for a personalized advice
free shipping
The object of this sale is a REPLICA NOT ORIGINAL intended for private use for ornamental or decorative purposes